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Batch Rename File

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  1. Batch Rename Files In Windows
  2. Batch Rename Files Windows 10

Linux has a variety of batch file renaming options but I didn't see any short-comings in brename that jumped out at me. Features: Cross-platform. Supporting Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. By checking potential conflicts and errors. Supporting including and excluding files via regular expression. List all file names from a specific folder in worksheet with kutools for Excel. If there are multiple files that you want to rename, first, you can list the old file names in a column of worksheet, and then enter the new filenames that you want to replace with.

ExifTool is a program by Phil Harvey ( distributed with Advanced Renamer to create support for more file formats like raw camera files, documents, zip files etc. ExifTool supports both more formats and more tags which can be used to mass rename files through Advanced Renamer.

4k video downloader 4 0 download free. Tag values can get investigated by selecting a file and clicking the ExifTool button in the Fileinfo box. From here you can copy a tag and paste it into a method of choice.

At the time of writing ExifTool supports the following file formats:

3FRHasselblad RAW
3G2, 3GP23rd Gen. Partnership Project 2 audio/video
3GP, 3GPP3rd Gen. Partnership Project audio/video
ACRAmerican College of Radiology ACR-NEMA
AFM, ACFM, AMFMAdobe [Composite/Multiple Master] Font Metrics
AI, AITAdobe Illustrator [Template]
AIFF, AIF, AIFCAudio Interchange File Format [Compressed]
APEMonkey's Audio
ARWSony Alpha RAW
ASFMicrosoft Advanced Systems Format
AVIAudio Video Interleaved
BMP, DIBWindows BitMaP / Device Independent Bitmap
CHMMicrosoft Compiled HTML format
COSCapture One Settings
CR2Canon RAW 2
CRW, CIFFCanon RAW Camera Image File Format
CS1Sinar CaptureShop 1-shot RAW
DCM, DC3, DIC, DICMDICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DCPDNG Camera Profile
DCRKodak Digital Camera RAW
DFONTMacintosh Data Fork Font
DIVXDivX media format
DJVU, DJVDjVu image
DNGDigital Negative
DOC, DOTMicrosoft Word Document/Template
DOCX, DOCMOffice Open XML Document [Macro-enabled]
DOTX, DOTMOffice Open XML Document Template [Macro-enabled]
DYLIBMac OS X Mach-O executable and library files
DVDigital Video
DVBDigital Video Broadcasting
EIPCapture One Enhanced Image Package
EPS, EPSF, PS[Encapsulated] PostScript Format
ERFEpson RAW Format
EXE, DLLDOS/Windows executable and library files
EXIFExchangable Image File Format metadata
F4A, F4B, F4P, F4VAdobe Flash Player 9+ Audio/Video
FFFHasselblad Flexible File Format
FLAMacromedia/Adobe Flash project
FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec
FLVFlash Video
FPXFlashPix image
GIFCompuserve Graphics Interchange Format
GZ, GZIPGNU ZIP compressed archive
HDP, WDPWindows HD Photo / Media Photo
HDRRadiance RGBE High Dynamic-Range
HTML, HTM, XHTML[Extensible] HyperText Markup Language
ICC, ICMInternational Color Consortium color profile
IDMLAdobe InDesign Markup Language
IIQPhase One Intelligent Image Quality RAW
IND, INDD, INDTAdobe InDesign Document/Template
INXAdobe InDesign Interchange
ITCiTunes Cover Flow artwork
J2C, JPCJPEG 2000 codestream
JP2, JPF, J2K, JPM, JPXJPEG 2000 image [Compound/Extended]
JPEG, JPGJoint Photographic Experts Group image
K25Kodak DC25 RAW
KDCKodak Digital Camera RAW
KEY, KTHApple iWork '09 Keynote presentation/Theme
LALossless Audio
LNKMicrosoft Shell Link
M2TS, MTS, M2T, TSMPEG-2 Transport Stream
M4A, M4B, M4P, M4VMPEG-4 Audio/Video
MEFMamiya Electronic Format
MIEMeta Information Encapsulation
MIFF, MIFMagick Image File Format
MKA, MKV, MKSMatroska Audio/Video/Subtitle
MOSCreo Leaf Mosaic
MOV, QTApple QuickTime Movie
MP3MPEG-1 layer 3 audio
MP4Motion Picture Experts Group version 4
MPCMusepack Audio
MPEG, MPG, M2VMotion Picture Experts Group version 1 or 2
MPOExtended Multi-Picture format
MQVSony Mobile QuickTime Video
MRWMinolta RAW
MXFMaterial Exchange Format
NEFNikon Electronic Format
NMBTEMPLATEApple iWork '09 Numbers Template
NUMBERSApple iWork '09 Numbers spreadsheet
Open Document Database/Chart/Formula/Graphics/
OFROptimFROG audio
OGG, OGVOgg bitstream container
ORFOlympus RAW Format
OTFOpen Type Font
PACLossless Predictive Audio Compression
PAGESApple iWork '09 Pages document
PCDKodak Photo CD Image Pac
PDFAdobe Portable Document Format
PEFPentax Electronic Format
PFA, PFBPostScript Font ASCII/Binary
PFMPrinter Font Metrics
PGFProgressive Graphics File
PICT, PCTApple Picture file
PMPSony DSC-F1 Cyber-Shot image
PNG, JNG, MNGPortable/JPEG/Multiple-image Network Graphics
PPM, PBM, PGMPortable Pixel/Bit/Gray Map
PPT, PPS, POTMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation/Slideshow/Template
POTX, POTMOffice Open XML Presentation Template [Macro-enabled]
PPSX, PPSMOffice Open XML Presentation Slideshow [Macro-enabled]
PPTX, PPTMOffice Open XML Presentation [Macro-enabled]
PSD, PSBPhotoShop Drawing / Large Document
QTIF, QTI, QIFQuickTime Image File
RAReal Audio
RAFFujiFilm RAW Format
RAM, RPMReal Audio/Plug-in Metafile
RARRAR Archive
RAWKyocera Contax N Digital RAW
RAWPanasonic RAW
RIFF, RIFResource Interchange File Format
RM, RV, RMVBReal Media/Video [Variable Bitrate]
RSRCMac OS Resource
RTFRich Text Format
RW2Panasonic RAW 2
RWZRawzor compressed image
SOUnix ELF executable and Shared Object files
SR2Sony RAW 2
SRFSony RAW Format
SRWSamsung RAW format
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
SWFShockwave Flash
THMCanon Thumbnail
THMXOffice Open XML Theme
TIFF, TIFTagged Image File Format
TTF, TTCTrue Type Font/Collection
VOBVideo Object
VRDCanon DPP Recipe Data
VSDMicrosoft Visio Drawing
WAVWindows digital audio WAVeform
WEBMGoogle Web Movie
WEBPGoogle Web Picture
WMA, WMVWindows Media Audio/Video
WVWavePack lossless audio
X3FSigma/Foveon RAW
XCFGIMP native image format
XLS, XLTMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet/Template
XLSX, XLSM, XLSBOffice Open XML Spreadsheet [Macro-enabled/Binary]
XLTX, XLTMOffice Open XML Spreadsheet Template [Macro-enabled]
XMPExtensible Metadata Platform sidecar file
ZIPZIP archive

There are a few different methods of how this can be done. The example below shows how you can use the date command in the for command to extract the current date and use that data to rename the file. Each of the for commands listed in this page would be placed into a batch file.


Navicat premium essentials 12 1 19 16. Below is a breakdown of the above command and what it all means.

  • for /f - The for command and the /f switch.
  • 'tokens=1-5 delims=/ ' - How many tokens the incoming data (in this case the date) will be broken into; 1-5 is five different tokens. Delims is short for delimiters and break up the date in this example, the / (forward slash) and a space (space before the quote).
  • %%d - The beginning character used for the token. Since there are 5 tokens in this example it would be d,e,f,g, and h.
  • in ('%date%') - The data, which in this case is the %date% (date) of the computer.
  • do - What the for command does. The rename command can be substituted for anything else.
  • rename 'hope.txt' %%e-%%f-%%g.txt - Rename the file 'hope.txt' to the tokens e,f, and g with a .txt file extension. This example also has a - (hyphen) in-between each token to separate the month, day, and year in the file name.

When %date% is used in a batch file, it displays the date in the following format: Sun 09/02/2007. This command breaks this date into the tokens: 'Sun' (%%d), '09' (%%e), '02' (%%f), and '2007' (%%g).

In this example, using the above date mentioned hope.txt would be renamed to 09-02-2007.txt.


This command is very similar to the above example. However, instead of using the forward slash and space to break up the data, we're using a : (colon) because the time uses this character. Finally, because we're renaming the file to only the hour and minute this example is only using the d and e token. Movie explorer 1 8 download free. Additional information about what everything in this line means is found in the above date example.

When %time% is used in a batch file, it displays the following format: 19:34:52.25. This command breaks this time into the tokens: '19' (%%d), '34' (%%e), and '52.25' (%%f).

Batch rename files mac terminal

Batch Rename Files In Windows

Batch Rename Files Windows 10

In this example, using the above time mentioned hope.txt would be renamed to 19-34.txt.

Additional information

  • See our batch file definition for further information and related links.

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